

Stali jsme se Silver partnerem

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Počínaje dnešním dnem se naše společnost stala Silver Solution Partnerem společnosti nopCommerce. Jedná se o hlavní open-source eCommerce platformu na ASP.NET bázi, k dostání je zdarma a nehrozí u ní žádné poplatky ani nástrahy. Tímto jsme první firmou v České republice, která s nopCommerce navázala partnerství.

Co je to nopCommerce
Chcete otevřít svůj nový internetový obchod? Potřebujete specializovanou podporu? Chcete posunout svůj stávající obchod na další úroveň? K tomuto všemu a ještě k mnohu dalšímu Vám vypomůže platforma nopCommerce.

Pro více informací :

SharePoint: Replace hyperlink paths in CEWP by using Powershell

By | News, Portals, Powershell, SharePoint | No Comments

Upgrading portal or changing its domain name leaves old hyperlink paths in the Content Editor WebParts and there is no way to upgrade hyperlinks such as just only by changing Managed paths entries. Luckily, we modified a script written by Johnny Bouder (link here) according to update all hyperlink paths to correct format.

[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") | out-null;
function SP-Web-CleanCEWPContent ($w) {
$file = $w.GetFile("default.aspx");
if ($file.Exists) {
$webPartManager = $w.GetLimitedWebPartManager($file.Url,[System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared);
$webParts = $webPartManager.WebParts;
foreach($webPart in $webParts) {
$checkString = "*" + $oldpath + "*";
if ($webPart.GetType() -eq [Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ContentEditorWebPart] -and $webPart.Content.InnerText -like $checkString ) {
$oldElement = $webPart.Content;
$oldText = $webPart.Content.InnerText;
$xmlDoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument;
$xmlElement = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("MyElement");
$xmlElement.InnerText = $oldText.Replace($oldpath,$newpath);
$webPart.Content = $xmlElement;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Updating web at "$w.Url;
function SP-ProcessSubwebs($ww) {
Write-Host("Processing web at " + $ww.Url);
if ($ww.Webs.Count -gt 0) {
foreach($sw in $ww.Webs) {
$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($url);
$web = $site.RootWeb;

Easy usage, just only type ./script.ps1 -url http://newPortalAddress -oldpath http://oldPortalAddress -newpath http://newPortalAddress .